FogLAMP South Plugins¶
- ABB Ability Smart Cloud Service
- AM2315 Temperature & Humidity Sensor
- Armfield South Plugin
- Beckhoff TwinCAT
- Benchmark
- CC2650 SensorTag
- CoAP
- Simple CSV Plugin
- CSV Playback
- DHT11 (C version)
- DHT11 (Python version)
- Digiducer Vibration Sensor
- DNP3 Master Plugin
- Data Translation DT9837 Series
- Edge ML Plugin
- EtherIP South Plugin
- Expression South Plugin
- Flir AX8 Thermal Imaging Camera
- FLIR GW65 Vibration Sensors
- South HTTP
- INA219 Voltage & Current Sensor
- Lathe Simulation
- Modbus South Plugin
- South MQTT
- MQTT Sparkplug B
- MQTT South with Payload Scripting
- Observer South Plugin
- OPC/UA South Plugin
- Person Detection Plugin
- Person Detector Plugin
- PI Server South Plugin
- PI Web API south Plugin
- Playback Plugin
- PT100 Temperature Sensor
- Random
- Random Walk
- Enviro pHAT Plugin
- RTSP Stream Capture Plugin
- OPC UA Safe & Secure South Plugin
- Siemens S7 PLC
- Samotics4 South Plugin
- SenseHAT
- Simple REST with Payload Scripting
- Sinusoid
- Radiometric Data Capture for FLIR cameras
- Suez Water Cloud Service Plugin
- System Information
- Advantech USB-4704
- Video4Linux
- South Webcam Media Plugin