Samotics4 South Plugin

The foglamp-south-samotics4 plugin is a south plugin that pulls data from the SAM4 Data Integration API of Samotics.

This is based on Samotics Samotics API

The data retrieved via this API includes

  • Motors metadata

  • Motors metrics

  • Motor incidents

Configuration Parameters

A Samotics4 south service is added in the same way as any other south service in FogLAMP,

  • Select the South menu item

  • Click on the + icon in the top right

You will be presented with the following page


  • Select samotics4 from the plugin list

  • Enter a name for your Samotics4 service

  • Click Next

  • You will be presented with the following configuration page


  • Asset Name Prefix: This is the prefix of the assets that will be added for the data read by this service. The default value is sam4_.

  • OAuth2 URL: This is the base URL for OAuth2 authentication.

  • OAuth2 client id: This is OAuth2 client id needed for authentication.

  • OAuth2 secret: This is OAuth2 secret needed for authentication.

  • Motor metadata in metrics: This parameter defines whether to store motors metadata along with motor metrics data or to create new assets for motor metadata. The default value is true.