OMF Hint Filter

The foglamp-filter-omfhint filter allows hints to be added to assets within FogLAMP that will be used by the OMF North plugin. These hints allow for individual configuration of specific assets within the OMF plugin.

A OMF hint filter may be added to either a south service or a north task. In a south service it will be adding data for just those assets that originate in that service. In a north task it causes OMF hints to be added to all assets that the FogLAMP is sending to the upstream system, it would normally only be used in a north that was using the OMF plugin, however it could be used in a north that is sending data to another FogLAMP that then forwards to OMF.

To add an OMF hints filter:

  • Click on the Applications add icon for your service or task.

  • Select the omfhint plugin from the list of available plugins.

  • Name your OMF hint filter.

  • Click Next and you will be presented with the following configuration page


  • Enter your OMF Hints in the JSON editor shown. You may add multiple hints for multiple assets in a single filter instance. See OMF Hint data.

  • Enable the filter and click on Done to activate it.

OMF Hint data

OMF Hints comprise of an asset name which the hint applies and a JSON document that is the hint. A hint is a name/value pair: the name is the hint type and the value is the value of that hint.

The asset name may be expressed as a regular expression, in which case the hint is applied to all assets that match that regular expression.

The following hint types are currently supported by OMF North:

  • integer: The format to use for integers, the value is a string and may be any of the PI Server supported formats; int64, int32, int16, uint64, uint32 or uint16

  • number: The format to use for numbers, the value is a string and may be any of the PI Server supported formats; float64, float32 or float16

  • typeName: Specify a particular type name that should be used by the plugin when it generates a type for the asset. The value of the hint is the name of the type to create.

  • tagName: Specify a particular tag name that should be used by the plugin when it generates a tag for the asset. The value of the hint is the name of the tag to create.

  • type: Specify a pre-existing type that should be used for the asset. In this case the value of the hint is the type to use. The type must already exist within your PI Server and must be compatible with the values within the asset.

  • datapoint: Specifies that this hint applies to a single datapoint within the asset. The value is a JSON object that contains the name of the datapoint and one or more hints.

  • AFLocation: Specifies a location in the OSIsoft Asset Framework for the asset. This hint is fully documented in the OMF North plugin page.

The following example shows a simple hint to set the number format to use for all numeric data within the asset names supply.

  "supply": {
      "number": "float32"

To apply a hint to all assets, the single hint definition can be used with a regular expression.

  ".*": {
      "number": "float32"

Regular expressions may also be used to select subsets of assets, in the following case only assets with the prefix OPCUA will have the hint applied.

  "OPCUA.*": {
      "number": "float32"

To apply a hint to a particular data point the hint would be as follows

  "supply": {
      "datapoint" :
              "name": "frequency"
              "integer": "uint16"

This example sets the datapoint frequency within the supply asset to be stored in the PI server as a uint16.

Datapoint hints can be combined with asset hints

  "supply": {
      "number" : "float32",
      "datapoint" :
              "name": "frequency"
              "integer": "uint16"

In this case all numeric data except for frequency will be stored as float32 and frequency will be stored as uint16.