Starting and stopping FogLAMP¶
FogLAMP administration is performed using the “foglamp” command line utility. You must first ssh into the host system. The FogLAMP utility is installed by default in /usr/local/foglamp/bin.
The following command options are available:
Start: Start the FogLAMP system
Stop: Stop the FogLAMP system
Status: Lists currently running FogLAMP services and tasks
Reset: Delete all data and configuration and return FogLAMP to factory settings
Kill: Kill FogLAMP services that have not correctly responded to Stop
Help: Describe FogLAMP options
For example, to start the FogLAMP system, open a session to the FogLAMP device and type:
/usr/local/foglamp/bin/foglamp start
If authentication is enabled, which is the default mode for FogLAMP version 3.0 onward, then a number of the commands require authentication. Authentication can be accomplished by several means;
Set the environment variable USERNAME to be the user name.
Pass the -u flag flag to the command to specify a user name.
If neither of the above are done the user will be prompted to enter a user name.
In both cases the user will be prompted to enter a password. It is possible, but not recommended, to set an environment variable PASSWORD with the plain text version of the password.
$ /usr/local/foglamp/bin/foglamp -u admin stop
Stopping FogLAMP..........
FogLAMP Stopped
The start, status and help commands do not require authentication.
Following a successful authentication attempt a time based token is issued that allows the user to run further commands, for a limited time, without the need to authenticate again.